A Virgin Experience with a disability
Review of our Virgin Experience by a client with a disability
We love reviews! From extensive reviews to short thank-you notes, with or without points of improvements and suggestions. We love them all! A while ago we received a review of a client who was in two categories at the same time: our Interact Service for clients with a physical disability and our Virgin Experience for clients with little to no sexual experience.
Even though not many clients may fall into both categories, for some, the experiences of this particular client may be very useful and recognizable. With the approval of the client in question, we therefore proudly share his review, which includes a lot of advice for others.
Review Virgin Experience with disability
"Dear Marike, I would be happy to see this review pop up in one of your future blog entries, so other people with similar circumstances get encouraged to take the same steps.
But let’s start at the beginning: How did I find out about Society Service? When you’re disabled your whole life, sex is something that can be quite elusive for you. That’s why I dismissed the whole topic for a very long time. Last year, due to a conversation with a very good friend, I ended up googling the words „escort for people with disability“ in my native language. Society Service’s Interact Service was one of the first websites to appear. When I entered the website, I couldn’t believe my eyes and thought: this can’t be real. Well, it turned out pretty quickly that it actually was.
I am a person who feels very disconnected from his own country at this point. So it has always been my dream to have sex with someone of a different nationality. Additionally, I really like to speak English and my „very innovative“ home country does not offer anything that can be compared to the special services of Society Service for people with disability.
I was so excited and fascinated by what Society Service had to offer that I devoured every information I could get my hands on. For a few days I had a fascinating read. As a next step I contacted the agency to find out even more by depicting my personal situation. In my opinion, it’s very important to be very open and honest about yourself when you are physically impaired. The more information you provide, the better your experience will be (including the matchmaking). Maybe I overdid a little, but Marike was always very understanding.
Another aspect people should consider are the requirements. Don’t book something you cannot afford, and by that, don’t just mean certain financial aspects. When you’re disabled, your body has limits able-bodied people don’t have and you need to know those limits. Let’s face it: whoever you book, they don’t know you like you know yourself. The more you’re willing to share about your condition, the more comfortable both sides get. Just be yourself.
Eventually I decided to go with two bookings when I booked back in November: a Companionship Only meeting of three hours and a Virgin Experience of five hours for the next day. These were the durations I could handle myself without any major assistance. Since I am a person who really enjoys a good conversation, I wanted the Companionship Only meeting to take away my initial jitters.
The week leading up to my little trip, I barely slept and therefore, when I arrived at the hotel, I felt pretty bad. When I met my high class escort for the first time the next day just to get know each other, I was amazed at how quickly she put me at ease (it took just five minutes). After that first meeting, I felt really relaxed and all the worries were washed away. I mean, it’s one thing to look stunning, but to look stunning and be a very funny, kindhearted and empathetic person is truly remarkable. My body was ready for the Virgin Experience. So if you’re willing to invest in a Companionship Only meeting first, I highly recommend it. Without that first meeting, our connection would have been really rushed.
If you have a Virgin Experience coming up, really try to comply with the etiquette and read some blog entries. I know when you’re disabled, that means additional effort for people like us (but let’s be honest when do we not have that) and maybe you end up driving other people mad in the process, but it’s worth it.
Having sex for the first time does not change your life, but somehow I see some things about myself very different now. My high class escort was a very open woman who made our encounter quite funny and relaxing. Was my first time perfect? No, of course not. I mean, no one really has a perfect first time. Sex is about practice; you should keep that in mind. We even had a little incident, where I thought I would like something, but I really disliked it in the end. I am so grateful that my high class escort took it in stride because I was really ashamed.
Sex is a sport for able-bodied people. For disabled people, it is extreme sports. My arms are still aching from our „workout“ while I am writing up this review. Still, I am so glad I decided to do this, even though I think what made this truly unforgettable for me are really my conversations with my high class escort. I think that’s because when you are severely disabled, you have a different attitude towards sex."