An honest Virgin Experience review
A client who used our Virgin Experience tells about this
Clients who use our Virgin Experience usually book with our escort service for the first time. They do not yet know what to expect, despite the fact that we do our best to explain this as extensively as possible on our website. Potential clients may be a little concerned: will this be the case in real life? Or is it a sales pitch?
A while back we received a review from a client who used the Virgin Experience with us. He left such a beautiful, comprehensive but also honest review that we are happy to share it with you. It gives a very nice glimpse into the experience that this client had. Because the escort that this client booked is no longer active as a high class escort, her name has been removed. Other than that it is 100% authentic.
My Virgin Experience Review; what it was really like
"Marike, I want to thank you for your help and patience during the booking process. And I also want to leave you a review, because the reviews on your site were helpful to me when I was trying to decide if the Virgin Experience is right for me. TLDR: I had a good time with the escort and recommend the Virgin Experience to others. Do the Matchmaking and book the overnight package.
Let's start with the booking process: My first attempt at booking the Virgin Experience failed because it was rather short notice and I did not consider that international bank transfers can take multiple days (Sorry, my bad). Looking back on this, it was probably good for me that my wire transfer arrived late. As that gave me the opportunity to use the Matchmaking Service and to extend to a Sultan Package. I can highly recommend using both of those options. As I feel like the escort was a great match for me and I really enjoyed the fact that we were not rushed for the most part. Overall, Marike was a huge help during the booking process and I believe first time clients will appreciate that.
I was a bit nervous when I arrived at the location and our dinner reservation was only 30 Minutes after the start of the booking. Because of that, everything was a bit hectic for the first few minutes after meeting my escort. Thankfully, I was able to relax a bit more after transportation and business were figured out. During my conversation with the escort, we found a bit of common ground to talk about, and I truly enjoyed our dinner. Great food with great company is always memorable. The next time I will make sure that we have more time to get to the restaurant though.
After we got back, there was some more conversation before we had a very relaxing bath. After that, we moved to the bedroom, where I had great first time. Overall, I think that I was a bit too passive, so I am thankful that the escort took the initiative. Thanks to the escort, my first time was a lot less awkward than I expected it to be. Funnily enough, I ended up being more nervous about sleeping next to the escort than I was about having sex for the first time. After I spent some time contemplating, how lucky I am to be able to have my first time with such a stunning woman, I was able to sleep.
The next morning the escort told me, that she was glad that I brought some ear plugs (This is a hint, just bring some whether you think you snore or not). We had plenty of time in the morning, so we were able to sleep in a bit and take it slow. The sex in the morning was even more amazing, just because of that, I recommend the sultan package to everyone.
Overall, the Virgin Experience was great. I am not a changed man or anything, but I have certainly gained some confidence. I had an incredible first time thanks to the escort. She was a great match for me, so I hope she had a good time as well. I am looking forward to indulging again at some point, hopefully with the same escort, or a similarly great match.
In the end, I am glad that I finally had my first time and that I now (hopefully) have some idea of how to pleasure a woman. I know there are many other professionals with whom I could have lost my virginity, but I doubt that I would have this great of an experience. I would also like to encourage any first time clients to read the escort etiquette on this website. Even though all the advice there is pretty common sense, it's good to have a written guide on what is expected of a cliënt."