Credit where credit is due

Credit where credit is due

Some words of praise for our owner Marike

At our core, we are a team dedicated to creating exceptional experiences, and much of that excellence can be attributed to owner Marike. Our blog typically features posts from Marike herself, our lovely high class escorts, our valued clients, and team members like Jules. We often share client feedback about their memorable encounters, but today, we turn the spotlight on someone also deserving of praise—our very own Marike.

Marike is not just the heart and soul behind our operations; she is the driving force that ensures every experience is curated with the utmost care and professionalism. We receive a plethora of positive feedback from clients about our high-class escorts, but recently, we've been overwhelmed with kind words specifically about Marike. It's high time we acknowledge the exceptional qualities she brings to our business, not just as an owner, but as a person who exemplifies integrity, compassion, and dedication.

Let's take a moment to make Marike blush with some heartfelt words of gratitude:

"Please accept my sincere thanks for the kindness and genuine caring that you have afforded me during each of our interactions. As a result of your efforts to arrange the one-of-a-kind connections I have enjoyed, I owe you a debt of gratitude.

Although you may describe yourself as a matchmaker/mediator I think it is more appropriate to consider you as the “symphony orchestra conductor”... and while the performers may only step through each door you open, without you the music would never be possible.  Of course, the “quality” of the performance relies on each performer, but without a doubt you are the key to each successful connection that is experienced. 

As a business owner and entrepreneur myself, I give you nothing but credit for what you have built and your style and the standards you maintain. I am sure your professional world is filled with challenges no one can imagine and unsavory individuals who no one in their right mind would want to cross paths with but you have succeeded to the point you have as a result of  three "D's" ..... Determination, Dedication and Drive.....this is something that can't be taught - you either have it or you don't!

A colleague of years gone by has made a name for herself in the business coaching and mentor world. For the past several years I have been utilizing her services for ongoing training and workshops for my company team. During our recent workshop the focus of our workshop was related to business integrity and how it is not something that is taught, but more so it is a foundation value that can set one company apart from others. During this exercise my team and I were asked to give thought to people and companies who we feel best demonstrate a high level of integrity. Long story short, my thoughts evolved to you. When it was my turn to explain to the group the traits and characteristics that best defined why you and your company stand out it was quite easy for me to detail your work ethic, level of standards, business knowledge and dedication to succeed.

Thank you again for the high set of standards you practice and for making me feel like a respected human being vs. a faceless commodity as so often is the case in today’s world. I assure you I am a satisfied client as a result of your efforts."


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