Escortservice near the Dutch border
Book a high class escort just accross the Dutch border, valid until 29-04-2024
Although they are not our main focus, our escorts also travel internationally for bookings. Yes, this may include exotic islands on the other side of the world. But much more common are destinations within Europe. We also receive requests for bookings just across the Dutch border.
Technically speaking, even when crossing the Dutch border by just a few kilometers, the booking is concidered an international booking at our escortservice. However, we have found a way to deal with this in a sligtly easier way than other international bookings, which we will explain in this blog.
What does "just across the Dutch border" mean?
We consider a booking 'just across the Dutch border' if the location is within 25 kilometers of the Dutch border as the crow flies. This is the case, for example, in Knokke-Heist, Ghent, Antwerp, Hasselt and Liège in Belgium and Aachen in Germany.
How are travel expenses then calculated at our escortservice?
First and foremost; it is up to the escort to decide which travelmethod is preferred. With any other international booking, we would book a train or flight to reach the destination and match these to the available travel options matching the booking times. If the escort prefers us to stick with that for the booking just across the Dutch border, then we'll do that.
However, if the escort prefers we can also add a flat fee of €100, for this minimum crossing from the Dutch border. This is in addition to the standard extra travel costs that will be charged if the travel distance exceeds 150 kilometers, calculated from the escort to the booking location.
Can you give me a few examples of such escort bookings?
Certaily! Example 1: You want to meet one of our high class escorts based in Amsterdam and your booking is in Antwerp (Belgium). The escort wishes to travel like any other international booking. This means we'll book traintickets matching your booking. As a result, your booking can not end after the last international train to Amsterdam has departed or before the first train leaves. You will pay for the traintickets and any other travel expenses.
Example 2: You want to meet one of our high class escorts based in Amsterdam and your booking is in Antwerp (Belgium). The escort wishes to travel by car. The distance from Amsterdam to Antwerp is aproximately 165 kilometers. A surcharge of €50 applies to cover the travel distance as well as the flat fee of €100 because the booking is just cross the Dutch border.
What does this mean for the minimum booking duration?
In the profile of each high class escort you can find a calculator that you can use to check the minimum booking duration at your preferred booking location. It works for 99% of locations in the Netherlands and for 80% of locations outside the Netherlands. Make sure to add an extra hour for bookings that start outside our opening hours or that require travel during rush hour. Of course, you are always welcome to contact us for an exact quote.