Extra services with a high class escort

Extra services with a high class escort

Why we do not guarantee extra services during your escort booking

In the profile of each high class escort you can find a lot of information about the character, some statistics, rates and of course the erotic preferences. The erotic preferences differ not only per escort, but also per booking. That is why we do not guarantee the availability of extra services, such as PSE, fetish, BDSM, anal, etc. in advance.

In this blog we will tell you more about why we cannot guarantee these extra services, but also why we do not want that at all. There is quite a difference in that. What we can guarantee you, however, is that we will pass on all your preferences to the escort you have booked. We also guarantee that the escort will do the utmost to make the booking the best possible experience for both. To speak in legal jargon; there is therefore a best efforts obligation, not a performance obligation. Just as your lawyer cannot guarantee that you will win your case, they can guarantee that you will do their very best. That works a bit the same with our high class escortservice.

Why we cannot guarantee extra services with our escortservice

Many extra services require a high level of trust between the escort and client as they are put in a more vulnerable position. Sometimes they literally hand over the reins. Such a bond of trust takes time and requires that there is an above-average connection between you and the escort. Assuming that this is completely in order, then the question is whether both you and the escort are in the mood for the extra service in question at that moment. So in addition to trust and connection, there must also be lust and mood. Finally, the extra service may also place some demands on the body. All these are such subjective matters that we cannot guarantee the availability of extra services.

Why we do not want to guarantee extra services with our escort service

With our high class escort service, it is crucial that both escort and client feel comfortable during a booking and that boundaries are never crossed. By guaranteeing very intimate acts in advance, a sense of obligation and pressure to perform can arise during the booking. There is a chance that boundaries will be crossed and that can damage a person. In addition, we believe that performing intimate acts under pressure never contributes to a pleasant experience for the escort or client.

The idea behind our escort service is to create special experiences for escort and client, which they both enjoy. A person who only enjoys a service where certain intimate acts are guaranteed to be performed, regardless of the situation, is not at the right address with our escortservice. That is simply not the type of service we want to offer. The experience we want to offer is an amalgamation of emotional, intellectual, mental, erotic, intimate desires and much more and not a mere sexual service.

What can you do yourself to contribute

Many escort agencies offer the option to purchase the availability of an additional service for a certain surcharge. At Society Service no surcharges are charged for extra services. Although you are of course free to tip the escort for the extra effort, this will contribute little to the availability of an extra service. What is of much greater importance is a lot more delicate. With a respectful attitude, genuine interest in each other and a playful sense of humor, you make it easier for the escort to build a connection with you. But patience and getting to know each other in a social setting will also contribute to this connection. For the escort, a mutually pleasant and special meeting is important, which you will also notice during your time together. So feel free to discuss all your preferences with the escort, but never push. After all, the escort does everything possible to make the experience enjoyable for both and is aware of your preferences. With or without the availability of the extra services, your booking will undoubtedly be a climax in many ways.


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