High class escort look a likes
Our high class escort look a likes
They say that everyone has a double. Neurobiologist Michael Sheehan explained this as follows; there are many different genes and combinations that ensure that everyone has a different appearance. Although there are many combinations, they are not infinite. You can compare this to a card game. If you deal the cards over and over again, you will eventually have the same hand.
You can search for your doppelgänger online at www.ilooklikeyou.com. According to this website, everyone has up to six lookalikes. A number of our high class escorts will tell you who their famous doppelgängers are. In other words; the celebrities look a likes of our high class escorts.
Amsterdam escort Charlie looks like Georgia May Jagger
We think one of the best look a likes is our Amsterdamse high class escort Charlie who looks a lot like model Georgia May Jagger. The resemblance is special, except for the gap between her teeth. Charlie also has a slightly less round face, but Charlie's lips and eyes are at least as beautiful as those of the famous model.
Muscular gigolo Dean from Rotterda looks like Sergio Ramos
Another striking resemblance is the one between footballer Sergio Ramos. Especially when our muscular gigolo Dean from Rotterdam grows out his beard, the two look very similar. Another nice similarity is that both have the body decorated with tattoos. A clear difference, however, is that gigolo Dean has significantly wider muscular shoulders than the footballer.
Escort Chloe from Amsterdam looks like Dua Lipa
High class escort Chloe from Amsterdam, just like the famous artist Dua Lipa, has a beautiful head of dark hair, full lips and a slim and well-trained body. The origin of the artist is from the Balkans. However, our Chloe is all Dutch, so her skin color is slightly lighter and her eyes are blue.
Exotic escort Ivy looks like Gabrielle Union
Of course, the first thing you notice is the exotic skin color of both ladies, but Ivy and actress Gabrielle Union balso look quite similar in terms of face. The actress's face is slightly rounder than that of our exotic high class escort Ivy, but both have the seductive dimples in the cheeks that mainly appear when smiling.
Girl next door escort Adriana looks like Lucy Hale
High class escort Adriana is the ultieme girl next door and therefore has the same look as actress Lucy Hale. However, this is by no means the only similarity. The face and even the hair style are very similar. One difference, however, is the length. With her 1.71 meters, Adriana is more than 14 centimeters taller than Lucy Hale. In addition, we personally also think that she has a nicer booty, but you might be able to judge that better.