High class escort therapy according to Freud
Save your marriage and book an escort?
As you know, there are countless reasons to book a high class escort from Society Service. It gives you the opportunity to meet ladies that you normally only dream about and a high class escortservice offers the possibility to (further) explore special fantasies.
Anyone who has always wanted to do a threesome with two bisexual beautiful women, will get the chance to do so thanks to our bisexual escort duobooking. And those who fantasize about doing something more spectacular than usual, will certainly find satisfaction in our Pornstar Experience. Yet there is also a completely different reason to book a high class escort from Society Service. And that is to save your marriage. Save my marriage? you may think. Yes, our high class escorts are good for your marriage in addition to many other things. You can read exactly how that works below.
Wie bijvoorbeeld altijd al een keer een trio heeft willen doen met twee biseksuele prachtvrouwen, krijgt hier dankzij onze biseksuele escort duoboeking de kans voor. En wie fantaseert om het eens iets spectaculairder aan te pakken dan gebruikelijk, zal zijn bevrediging vast en zeker vinden in onze Pornstar Experience. Toch is er ook een heel andere reden om een high class escort van Society Service te boeken. En dat is om uw huwelijk te redden. Mijn huwelijk redden? zult u misschien denken. Ja, onze high class escort zijn naast een heel hoop andere dingen ook goed voor uw huwelijk. Hoe dat precies zit, dat leest u hieronder. By the way, don't take this blog too serious, because our expertise lies mainly in organizing unforgettable bookings.
Sigmund Freud and high class escorts
Why do men who are in serious and committed relationships often look elsewhere? To understand this, you may want to study the work of Sigmund Freud. According to the pioneer of psychoanalysis, this had to do with the symptom we call the "Madonna / whore syndrome". Freud stated that a man is driven by unconscious children's urges. Urges that lie just below the surface of social morality. According to the theory, men divide women into two types: the wives and mothers of our children and the raucous, lustful escorts. So men chose one type to get married to and the other to communicate his pent-up desires that he could not share with his wife.
High class escort therapy
Sigmund Freud was a man of his time. A few things have changed over the years. For example, in the current era of female equality, women have become more erotic and uninhibited. A little less the lady, say, and a little more the voluptuous libertine. Yet it is plausible to think that the remnants of Freud's ideas still linger in the subconscious mind. Especially in the fast-paced world we now live in, a booking with a high class escort can therefore be the therapy you need to save your marriage. It can avoid cheating problems. Moreover, our ladies can provide you with the necessary tips that will undoubtedly revitalize your sex life. Last but not least; our bisexual escorts also enjoy visiting couples, which can offer a whole new dimension to your sex life.