The location of an escort booking
Possible locations for a booking with a high class escort
A questions which is frequently asked is "where can my booking take place?". And with this question, the client is usually not referring to the geographical location. But since we're on the subject, we might as well discuss the geographic options. Our high class escorts can visit you all over the Netherlands, from small villages to larger cities, as long as the area is generally a safe area.
International bookings are also possible, from Belgium to more exotic destinations. An international bookings can not take place in countries where a negative travel advice applies, with a predominant religion, major inequality between men and women or where legal issues apply. And, the escort must be able to obtain all required travel documents. So far for the geographical options.
General location requirements at our escortservice
With regards to other location requirements, the location of the booking must be a hygienic, constructed, immovable property. Therefore, cars and boats are not suitable locations, but there are more things to take into consideration. A hygienic and clean location includes fresh linnen and plenty towels. There must be a private bathroom with shower (and/or bath) and toilet. Make sure the escort can wash the hands with water and soap after using the bathroom, and provide soap and more for showering/taking baths. A washcloth is preferred, but clean towels are required.
You need to be able to offer the escort something nice to drink, such as a soda or fruit drink. Alcoholic drinks can be consumed, within moderation, but are not an obligation. The profile of each escort includes the favorite drinks. If your booking is 6 hours or longer, you are also required to provide a meal to the escort. With shorter bookings, a small snack such as fresh fruits or a cheese platter is always appreciated as well. A pleasant temperature (around 21 degrees) is recommended, as well as subtle lighting and soft background music. If you have any pets, please make sure they are in a separate room or on a leash when the escort arrives.
High class escort at your hotel
The majority of our bookings are in hotels. The hotel will not object to this, the escort can visit you like any other visitor can. Our high class escorts can visit you in most four or more star hotels. In general, bookings in hotels with less stars are not possible. But on occasion, we can make an exception. There are hotels with three stars which are far more luxurious than some four star hotels. They did not obtain a fourth star because, for example, they do not have 24/7 roomservice or have no elevator. If you are staying in such a hotel, you are welcome to make a request for a booking. We will check out the hotel website and tell you if your hotel is a suitable option or not. Usually, we will require you to stay in one of the more luxurious roomtypes available. A single room, with a one person bed is never okay.
When selecting a hotel and roomtype for your booking, ask yourself; is this a location which allows for a romantic and intimate evening? If your room is very basic with just a bed, desk and chair, it is usually not the best choice. Things to look for are if the room has a proper sitting area, a large bathroom (with bath), and a stylish, modern and luxurious interior. You are more likely to find this type of room at a boutique hotel or design hotel, rather than a hotel focussing on business, budget or student travelers. So called "cubic hotels" are not a suitable location either, despite meeting the four star minimum requirement. In general, a bed and breakfast will not offer the privacy our escorts require and is therefore not a suitable location, but again, after checking the location, exceptions can be made.
Most hotels allow check-in from somewhere in the afternoon, and require check-out in the late morning. However, what most people do not know is the fact that many hotels, also luxury hotels, offer day rooms. Not only are these rooms available at a lower rate, they also allow for early checkin, which is perfect for clients looking to enjoy the company of one of our high class escorts during daytime. You can inquire for a dayroom at the hotel of your choice, or check out the website between 9 and 5. Unfortunately, most rendezvous hotels do not meet our standarts and are therefore not suitable locations to meet your high class escort at.
High class escort at your private residence
Our high class escorts can also visit you at your private residence. This can be a private residence you own or one you rent (temporarily). You do not need to live in a gigantic mansion for the location to be suitable for a booking with a high class escort. A regular house or apartment will be perfectly fine, as long as it meets the general location requirements and recommendations. There is a fine line between what's okay and what's not okay. Student housing is not okay, but if you've made an effort to make your studio apartment as clean and romantic as possible, the escort gladly visits you there. Again, it comes back to the following; is the location suitable for a romantic evening with the high class escort, and will the escort feel safe and comfortable? Yes, then you are happy to invite the escort to your private residence. If you are renting a private residence, for short term rental such as Airbnb or more long term, the same applies.
Other locations and high class escort
Aside from your hotel and private residence, there are many other possible locations to meet your high class escort. Your escort will not be able to meet you at a sex club or sex cinema, unless you travel from your hotel or residence to a luxury erotic party. Neither will the escort be able to visit you at your campsite, unless it happens to be at a luxury safari in Africa. The escort will not be able to visit you at a family oriented holiday park, with your children sleeping in the next room. But the escort gladly visit you at the villa you are renting at a resort, preferably at an exotic island. As you might have noticed, it is difficult to set hard boundaries when it comes to possible locations for a booking, but with this blog we hope to have explained what is a suitable location, what might be, and what is definitely not. If your location is definitely not suitable, you are given the opportunity to change this. If a change is not possible, or you are not willing to do so, the escort will not proceed with the booking yet you still have to pay for her minimum booking in that area. That situation is far from ideal. So do yourself and the escort a favor and invest a little in the location. It will contribute to an amazing experience.