Mature clients (67+) at our escortservice
Book a high class escort when you are older than 67
As you may know, all of Society Service's high class escorts accept clients between the ages of 21 and 67. Yet there are also a number who are particularly charmed by men over sixty. The reason? According to these ladies, older and more mature clients of our escortservice still really know how to court a woman "old-fashioned". That is to say: having interesting conversations, romantic dinners for two and who knows what else these gentlemen will manage to conjure up thanks to their life experience. In turn, Society Service's high class escorts offer what almost no other woman can offer you, namely: a combination of intelligence, beauty, and unadulterated sensuality!
High class escort Ella from Amsterdam
Ask high class escort Ella from Amsterdam what she finds attractive in a man and she will undoubtedly answer: intelligence. This slender, very tall lady loves to share interesting and intellectual conversations, combined with wit and charm. And who can do that better than a man with the necessary life experience? Besides her brains, Ella is also an absolute beauty! And not just any beauty. Once Ella is in front of you in sexy lingerie and stiletto heels, you can hope your heart can handle it all.
High class escort Jane from Eindhoven area
A high class escort from Society Service who always appreciates life experience is our escort Jane from the Eindhoven area. This spontaneous and cheerful lady with amazingly beautiful breasts stands for naughty and passionate eroticism. Jane is truly what you say one of a kind, and thanks to the combination of her beautiful body and stylish elegance, she is known as one of our very best high class escorts for a reason.
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
- Mark Twain
High class escort Celine from Rotterdam area
The university-educated high class escort Celine from the Rotterdam area is a true romantic. Men who understand true romance are at an advantage with her. Anyone who knows how to surprise this stunningly beautiful and sexy lady will never be disappointed. Gentlemen who do their best for this beautiful young lady and make her melt will see this rewarded at all times. How? Book high class escort Celine and you will see for yourself.
High class escort Ava from Rotterdam
Our gorgeous high class escort Ava from Rotterdam holds the rare combination of traditional values with cosmopolitan style. In addition to passionate kissing, this mature woman is also particularly fond of intellectual dinner dates. Why? It is the ultimate foreplay for her. Or rather: deep conversations are the ideal overture to a final that is unparalleled!
High class escort Scarlett uit Amsterdam
If we had to sum up the elegant blonde Scarlett from Amsterdam in a few words, we would say highly educated girl-next-door with a beautiful face. Thanks to her many interests, this high class escort from Society Service is the ideal conversational partner. There is really no topic she cannot discuss. What she can also talk to about is eroticism. Although Scarlett prefers to put words into action on this specific subject.