Reviews about our high class escorts
When you want to write a review about our high class escort service
Have you just had a booking with a high class escort from Society Service and would you like to publish a review? While we strive to be as open and transparent as possible, we would like to ask you not to publish reviews that contain personal details about the escort or contain highly graphic sexual details.
The need of our escorts for privacy and confidentiality is the most important thing to us. Do you still want to give your opinion? Then you can write a general review about Society Service. You can also send us a personal review. We take your feedback extremely seriously.
Reviews high class escorts
We live in an era where many wish to share his or her experiences. While we would love to receive your feedback regarding your booking with one of Society Service's high class escorts, we have found that many online review forums are unreliable. Many review forums contain many fake reviews.
General Review of Society Service
Due to the privacy of our high class escorts, please keep the details about your experience general. Reviews about the escorts are subjective and are always a result of the interaction between the client and escort. We do encourage a general review of Society Service. Although the personal nature of a booking will result in a different experience per client, the experience with us as an escort service should always be consistent.
Personal feedback about high class escorts
Because we would like to know about your experiences with our escort service, we would like to receive your feedback or suggestions. This allows us to further perfect our services. We always take your opinion seriously, even if we cannot honor every request. If your suggestion leads to an improvement of our services, we will reward you with extra loyalty points. Are you curious about our clients' experiences with our escort service? Here you will find a list of reviews written over the years.
Sincere and heartwarming reviews
We regularly receive reviews from our clients. For example, we received a wonderful extensive review of our Virgin Experience. The client in question asked us to share this review as it would help other (potential) clients. Another great example of a review we once received comes from a client who used the Interact Service. This grateful client who came to the Netherlands especially to enjoy the company of our ladies ended his heartwarming review as follows: “Marike, I hope these very belated reviews are of some value to you. They are nothing but sincere. The escorts really changed my life and my self-image. You made that possible. I am a very happy man.”