The importance of a bond of trust

The importance of a bond of trust

A special blog by high class escort Iris

We regularly receive input for our blogs from our high class escorts. This time our Amsterdam high class escort Iris shared a very special story that we proudly share with you.

When you admire Iris' profile, one of the first things you notice is her beautiful slim figure and long blond locks. But when you get to know her better, you will quickly discover that Iris is a very special lady. She has an unusual view on life, enjoys it to the fullest, a hedonist par excellence, with an appreciation for beautiful character traits of others. You can read it yourself in her blog!

Trust and the art of the game: What tennis teaches us about life

"Every booking I have is a unique adventure. Every man I meet brings his own charm, experiences and stories. But sometimes there is one who leaves something extra, a thought that lingers. And that is exactly what happened when I recently met a particularly interesting client.

This man, let's say a real world traveler with an impressive business network, did not only talk about his work and successes. He also told me about his passion for tennis, and how he regularly plays a game with a doctor friend. Not just any game, but a real friendly competition. The doctor, he said, has been playing for years and is quite good, but there was something else that really struck him: the doctor never cheated. Not even a little bit, not even when no one would notice. And that, my client thought, was exactly why he trusted him.

And then something happened that you would not expect: my client became ill and had to go under the knife. But instead of choosing the best surgeon, he decided to have his tennis buddy perform the surgery. When I curiously asked why, he gave me an answer that made me smile a little: "I trust the guy. You know why? He never cheats during tennis. Never trust a guy who cheats during tennis."

I have to admit, I couldn't help but make a cheeky comment: "So if I ever play a game with you, I'll have to be careful?" He laughed and said, "Maybe, but it's about more than just the game. It's about the choices you make, even when no one is watching."

That got me thinking. We all play games, don't we? Sometimes literally, like tennis, and sometimes figuratively, like in life. But the question is: are you playing fair, or are you secretly taking the easy way out when no one is watching? And how often do those small, innocent choices have a bigger impact than you might think?

I also thought about the times I cheated a little in tennis lessons. Not that it matters, I’m a beginner after all. But the principle is the same: how far will you go for your own gain, and what does that say about you?

Trust is an exciting game in itself for me. It’s not something you just give or get; it has to be earned. It’s about honesty, openness, and consistency. And maybe a little bit of courage too. Because someone can say they can be trusted, but how do you know for sure? For me, it’s those little moments, like a game of tennis, that reveal a person’s character.

The doctor in the story probably didn’t even know why he was chosen to perform that surgery. But I’m sure if he did, he would consider it a huge compliment. Because trust isn’t something you earn overnight; it’s a subtle dance, a game we all play, whether we like it or not.

So, the next time you hit a ball over the net, ask yourself: are you playing fair? And more importantly, who would you trust with your life? Sometimes the answer lies in the most unexpected corner… or on a tennis court."


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