Unpleasant booking experiences of our escorts

Unpleasant booking experiences of our escorts

Unpleasant experiences as a high class escort

At Society Service, we strive to create realistic expectations for both clients and ladies considering working as a high class escort. While most bookings are positive and enjoyable, there are occasional situations that are less pleasant.

It is important to share these experiences, not only to help applicants make well-informed decisions but also to raise awareness among clients about behaviors that are entirely unacceptable and rank among our escorts' most negative experiences. At the same time, we want to show how Society Service supports its escorts in such situations.

When expectations are not realistic

One of our escorts shared an experience where a client had stated they would attend a concert together, as mentioned in the booking details. "When I arrived and asked what time we would be leaving, he told me he had already gone without me. He said I wouldn’t understand the music anyway and that taking me along would have been a waste of effort. Of course, it was his choice to go alone, but it felt as though he was looking down on me." Fortunately, she was able to discuss this after the booking with the Society Service team, where it was confirmed that no one seemed able to meet his expectations. "The lesson I took from this was not to take unrealistic expectations personally. By discussing it, I learned how to handle such situations better in the future."

Dynamics in couples can change unexpectedly

Another escort shared her experience with a couple: "At first, the atmosphere was pleasant, but after a drink in the city, the mood suddenly shifted. The woman no longer wanted to be involved and sat in a chair watching. He didn’t realize his partner was upset and wanted to carry on cheerfully, while she verbally insulted him. When I expressed that I felt uncomfortable, she snapped that I should just do what I was paid for."

These kinds of situations can be challenging but also valuable learning experiences. "Marike immediately told me I could have ended the booking, which in hindsight would have been the best course of action. After this experience, I make sure to explicitly discuss expectations with both partners at the start of a booking. I also emphasize that if either of them feels uncomfortable, we can always take a step back."

Discomfort due to attitude toward others

Not all negative experiences stem from direct interactions with the client. "This happened during an international trip with a regular client. He was very considerate toward me but rude and condescending toward others, such as restaurant staff. At one restaurant, the situation escalated to the point where the owner wanted to throw him out. I felt extremely embarrassed by his behavior and found myself overcompensating, trying extra hard to make others feel at ease."

By discussing such experiences with Society Service, this escort learned how to better handle feelings of discomfort and set clearer personal boundaries.

Control and lack of empathy

Some clients have a strong need for control, which is not always pleasant. "This client literally had printed lists of everything he wanted to do. The booking lasted seven hours, and I had to explicitly ask if we could eat something. His response was: ‘I’m not hungry; that would be a waste of time.’ At the end of the booking, he insisted I stay an extra five minutes because I had arrived five minutes late. I was speechless."

Fortunately, the escort was able to put this experience into perspective during the evaluation with the Society Service team. "We ended up laughing about it, especially the fact that no one is at their best when they're hungry. The key takeaway was that this client needed more clarity, and I am confident that the Society Service team provided him with that."

Boundaries and safety

Excessive alcohol consumption or drug use by a client can create unsafe situations, which is why we strictly prohibit these during bookings. "The client became very pushy, repeatedly asking for unprotected sex and whether I would join him in using drugs. I no longer felt safe because people under the influence can react unpredictably. Of course, I know I can end a booking at any time, but in practice, it is harder to do than you might think beforehand."

There are also clients who fail to grasp the essence of a high class escort experience. "This client showed zero interest in me and stated that forming a connection didn’t matter to him. Additionally, the booking was poorly planned, which further dampened the atmosphere. He booked purely for the erotic aspect, and the objectification I felt was unpleasant. He not only shortchanged me but also himself. What you give is what you get."

Payment issues

Although rare, this is still worth mentioning. "I once had a client who made an issue about the payment, leading me to end the booking early. He wanted to pay in U.S. dollars without prior agreement and disagreed with the exchange rate. Knowing he was extremely wealthy, it felt particularly disrespectful to argue over a few extra euros."

Luckily, the right decision was made quickly. "After consulting with the Society Service team, I left early. These situations are rare, but it’s important for an escort to know her boundaries and that she has support."

In Conclusion…

While negative experiences are inevitable in any profession, they are the exception rather than the rule at Society Service. As one escort put it: "In general, bookings range from enjoyable to incredibly enjoyable. But every now and then, there’s one that simply isn’t great. It helps to set boundaries and not dwell too long on a negative experience."

The Society Service team is always available to listen and offer support. "The evaluation after a booking is a great moment to vent. It helps me let go of negative experiences and focus on the overwhelmingly positive bookings that make up the vast majority of my work."

Negative experiences do happen, but with the right mindset and support, they can become valuable lessons. In the end, the beautiful, unique, and fulfilling moments far outweigh the less pleasant ones.


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