You can't sell your virginity at our escortservice

You can't sell your virginity at our escortservice

No virgin auctions at our high class escort service

At least a few times per month we receive emails from young ladies looking to auction off their virginity. We are not interested in offering such services and we are more than happy to explain why. First let us point out that we have no ethical problem with ladies looking to sell their virginity. It is your body, if you are happy and confident about your choice, then we are happy as well. But we do not want to promote virgin escorts at our high class escortservice. Here is why.

You do not meet our recruitment criteria

When we recruit new ladies for our escort service, we do so with the intention of working together for a longer period of time. We build a relationship with you and invest in our collaboration. That is why we are not interested in applications from people of whom it is already known in advance that the possible cooperation will be of short duration. This includes ladies who want to auction their virginity. They are looking for a one-off collaboration and not a long-term collaboration. In addition, we are not interested in ladies who are only financially motivated, which you most likely are when you wish to auction off your virginity. In short; you do not meet our recruitment requirements.

We can not guarantee an enjoyable experience for the virgin

Okay, absolute guarantees can never be made. But nevertheless. When a sexually experienced lady makes the well-considered and happy decision to work as a high class escort, she is initially only introduced to our dearest regular clients, to ensure a pleasant experience. She is free to leave the booking at any time if she is not comfortable. But when you sell your virginity you are not dealing with the same terms and conditions. You sell a specific sexual act and you are then expected to 'perform'. You are probably even expected to be in some discomfort throughout the experience. This is part of what will attract a man to bid on your virginity. You can imagine that the type of man who bids on virginities is probably not the nicest, perhaps even sociopathic and with a wholly unhealthy attitude towards women. This is not the type of client we are interested in.

To sell a virginity is not a Girlfriend Experience

When you sell your virginity, the majority of the booking will be focussed on the actual act of you losing your virginity. At our high class escortservice, we offer the Girlfriend Experience and we have no desire to change this. A Girlfriend Experience focuses on intimacy and romance, both inside and outside the bedroom. When a client is looking only to fulfill a special sexual fantasy, be it taking your virginity or something else, such as having anal sex, we politely decline the booking as this is not the type of service we offer. Therefore it only makes sense we would not arrange a booking that is focused on one particular sexual act.