Escort blog

Escort blog

Blog about our high class escort service

Welcome to our blog, on which we share mostly answers to f.a.q. from our clients, updates about our high class escortservice and interesting things to do during your bookings. Do you have a suggestion for our blog? Great, please share! We've been blogging since 2015 and sorry, the older blogs may be a bit outdated as we continuously look for ways to improve our service and escorts may join and leave our agency.

The coronavirus entry pass and high class escort
The coronavirus entry pass and high class escort

From September 25th 2021, a coronavirus entry pass is required to visit a bar or restaurant. We explain how this works.

What our high end escorts do not appreciate
What our high end escorts do not appreciate

Our high-end escorts tell you where the points for improvement are for the clients of our high-end escort service.

What our high end escorts do appreciate
What our high end escorts do appreciate

We are happy to tell you more about what clients of our escort service do, which our high-end escorts can appreciate extra.

Why choose our Virgin Experience?
Why choose our Virgin Experience?

Some clients shared with us the main reasons why they chose the Virgin Experience from our high class escortservice.

Meet Evelyn! The new CIO of our escortservice
Meet Evelyn! The new CIO of our escortservice

Meet Evelyn, the Chief Indulgement Officer of our high end escortservice. She gladly assists you with setting up something extraordinary.

Sporty high end escorts
Sporty high end escorts

A large part of our high-end escorts also enjoy doing something sporty during a booking and are happy to tell you about it.