Algemeen Dagblad about restarting sexwork in The Netherlands from July 1
On July 5, Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad Rotterdam published an article on their website about the restart of sex work in the Netherlands from July 1. Previously, our escort service had worked with other industry peers and interest groups for an early restart, which became possible from 1 July. Unfortunately, this did not generate much clients for everyone. The original article was in Dutch but a translation can be found below.
It's not very busy yet with sexworkers: 'Free Corona to appeal clients’
Sex workers have been allowed to offer their services again since the beginning of this month, but things are not yet very busy in Rotterdam and the surrounding area. "In an attempt to win over customers, I hand out free Corona beer for the rest of the month."
On the one hand, Luis Fortes of Club Cinderalla on Mathenesserweg is happy: his sex club was allowed to open its doors again on 1 July and not, as the cabinet initially wanted, in September. But on the other hand he is disappointed. "It is still difficult for customers to find their way. Why? They have been hit financially by the crisis or simply do not know that we are open again. And what does not help is that regular discotheques are still closed. Many men normally visit us after an evening out." Free Corona beer - "one per visit per customer" - should entice clients to visit.
Marike van der Velden, who runs an escort agency in the higher segment in Rotterdam, is slightly more positive. "Dutch clients know where to find us again. It is as if it is even busier than normal among them: many want to use our services, in case a second wave comes again and everyone has to be quarantined again. The problem is, that there are no foreign guests yet. That is an important target group for us. I expect it will take a long time before we are back to the level we were before the crisis."
As a result of the corona measures, sex workers were prohibited from doing their job for several months. The cabinet initially wanted to enforce the professional ban until September 1, but backtracked after protests. Although the relief from working again dominates, there are also problems: sex workers protested in The Hague last week for better financial support during the corona period. Many people in the industry do not receive compensation because they are not fully-fledged self-employed persons.