Flair 2024

Flair magazine about the work of an owner of a high class escort agency

On May 1st 2024, magazine Flaire published an article about the work of an owner of a high class escort agency and interviewed owner Marike of Society Service for this. In the article, Marike openly talks about her work, but also her income and expenses in the private sphere. The article was published both online on the Flair website and in the magazine itself, in Dutch. You can view the article below, as well as an English translation.

'Some people have issues with my work'

Every week, a reader shares her household budget in our beloved section 'What does she live on?'. This time it is Marike's turn to show what she lives on.

You are the owner of a high class escort agency. Tell us…

“I started this work at the age of 21, when I was still studying business administration. I had to choose a direction and had no idea which one. Until I did a master's degree in entrepreneurship. I thought: entrepreneurship also seems like something for me. By chance I met someone at a party who had plans to start a high class escort service. We started working together and after a few years I bought her out, because we no longer thought the same about our company. For how much exactly, I am not allowed to say because of the confidentiality agreement. Then I continued to expand the company.”

What kind of reactions do you get about your work?

“When I started, I did lose a few friends who did not support it. My parents thought it was brave, but were also worried. What if it didn’t work out and I later applied for a job in another industry? Then I would have the label of ‘working in the sex industry’. But when it soon became clear that it was a success, they were especially proud of me.”

And how do people react now?

“Not everyone can appreciate it, and that’s fine. I am open and honest about my work, why should I be ashamed of it? Unfortunately I notice that some people really have a hard time with it. For example, payment platforms such as SumUp and PayPal do not want to do business with my company. And when I submit a repair request to my homeowners' association at home, I am regularly ignored. My upstairs neighbor also once sent the mailman with a package for me to 'that brothel below him'. Well, those are not so great, but I don't really care. I am good at my job and earn a good living from it."

How many ladies work for you?

"Well, no one works for me. I see myself as a mediator between the client and the high-class escorts. When I receive a request for a booking, I submit it to the escort of the client's preference via the app. The escort can then indicate whether or not she is available. I arrange the payments and after a booking I pay the escort."

What does an average booking cost?

"The rates of our escort service start at €700 for two hours with a female escort and €500 for two hours with a male escort. Bookings of multiple days can amount to thousands of euros. Of each booking, 35% goes to me and 65% to the escort, on which he/she also pays tax. Of course, I also have to pay business costs and tax from my income.”

Could you do the work of a high-class escort yourself?

“I think I can perfectly imagine how a booking goes. In addition, I am available 24 hours a day, in case something happens. It may sound very exciting, but it is simply a company for which I have to arrange everything properly. Usually, I sit behind my computer all day.”

You pay yourself €4,000 per month. Do you not earn more than that?

“A lot more, but that still includes business costs and I also set aside a portion for investments. For example, having the app made cost me two hundred thousand. I pay around €20,000 per year for the maintenance of the app. In addition, cyber security costs €10,000 per year and so on. That €4,000 in income is for my private expenses.”

Is it true that you don't have a mortgage?

"Yes, I am completely debt-free and the owner of five homes. I rent out two of them, which yields €2,500 per month. I live in the other two apartments in Amsterdam and Rotterdam alternately. The fifth home is a holiday home in nature, where I can relax. I also rent that out for shorter periods."


"Certainly, but it is a lot of work to maintain everything. For example, there was a leak in the home that I rent out recently. I had to call several times to have everything repaired. And because I now have to pay more tax for private rental, it is actually not that interesting from a tax perspective. That is why I am wondering whether I will sell the two rental properties, but I have not yet made up my mind."

Do you also pay so much in housing costs because of your five homes?

“Yes, because I pay €700 per month to the VvE for the apartments where I live. The total costs for gas, water and electricity, municipal taxes and home insurance are also on the high side.”

Do you go out a lot?

“Not really, but I do like to eat out, usually twice a week. If my boyfriend comes along, he pays. But when we eat at home – I like to cook extensively – I do the shopping. Because I like quality meat and fish, I can easily spend a few hundred euros on a delicious piece of Dry Aged Côte de Boeuf. And that several times a month, then you quickly reach that €750.”