Grazia 2024

Grazia magazine about work as a high class escort

On April 24th 2024, Grazia magazine published a major article about the work as a high class escort. For this, they interviewed "Belle", a high class escort from Society Service. She tells how she applied for a job, how her first bookings went and how she experiences her work as a high class escort now that she is a few years further. You can view the original Dutch article below, an English translation has been added. Grazia also posted the article on their website.

Belle is a high class escort 'it's not just about sex'

Staying in luxury hotels, dining in Michelin star restaurants and having sex with men you don't know for a fee. Belle* (24) works as a high class escort. 'I'm absolutely not ashamed of it.'

Highclass escort

Belle: “I was nineteen when I read an interview with a high class escort. She said that her work went much further than just sex. For example, a certain level and class was expected of her and she regularly went on exclusive dates and trips abroad. The fact that she earned a lot of money with it was a bonus. When I read that, I thought: I want that too. I had already seen a tv show about working as a high class escort and I also really liked sex and adventure. I didn't have a relationship and knew that I didn't necessarily have to go to bed with someone out of love. And yes, I admit: the generous salary certainly appealed to me, because I was studying and living in a dormroom at the time."

"Escort work seemed like an ideal side job to pay all my fixed costs and still have some money left. Above all, it seemed like an exciting world that I wanted access to. Curious, I therefore googled for a reliable high-class escort agency. With an agency as an intermediary, the work didn't seem really dangerous to me. I did realize that something can always happen, but the work of a high-class escort is not at all comparable to that of, for example, sex workers in the Amsterdam Red Light District. There it is really just about sex, while with a high-class escort it is much more about the ‘girlfriend experience’.

Not vulgar

“I would have preferred to apply to the escort agency that day, but I was too young and had to wait two more years. That gave me plenty of time to think about it. In the meantime, I also discussed my idea with friends. I was afraid that they would disapprove, but they didn’t. Although they were also concerned: wasn’t it dangerous? What if the clients I got were aggressive or used drugs? But I had thought about it carefully.”

“Now my friends love the stories I tell about my work. On my 21st birthday, the time had finally come: I was allowed to go for an intake at the agency. The woman who received me was very friendly. During our phone call, she had already asked me why I wanted to do this work and what I expected from it. Then, during the conversation, she explained how the agency worked. Later, I was told all the ins and outs of the job by two other girls. Among other things, we discussed what kind of clothing we could best wear. The style of a high-class escort is elegant and seductive, anything but vulgar. Think of a pencil skirt with a beautiful top or a figure-hugging dress with sexy stilettos underneath."

"The agency also emphasized that it is not the intention for you as a high-class escort to do things that you would rather not do. Of course, you are sent to a client to eventually have sex, but only if there is mutual respect. Violence is absolutely not accepted. Because you indicate in advance what you are or are not open to sexually (think of anal sex, threesomes or SM), you can clearly indicate your boundaries during a date. For example, I am open to soft BDSM, provided that I find the mood and click good enough for it. If the client does not respect that, you can terminate the date. The agency had almost never experienced this, but the owner thought it was important to emphasize this. Because I had already read a lot about the work – the book Escort Bible was my great source of inspiration – I knew what to expect. I really couldn’t wait to get started.”

Earn good money

“Four months later I had my first booking, with one of the agency’s regular clients. He knew it was my first time. I was quite nervous beforehand. The appointment would last four hours, what if it went badly? We met in a bar of a luxury hotel in a big city. My first client turned out to be a friendly man in his forties with whom I immediately felt at ease. And not unimportant: he was quite attractive and well-groomed. I was certainly relieved about that at that moment. While we drank a glass of wine, we talked about all sorts of things. For example, he wanted to know what I did in daily life. I told him that I was studying economics. I deliberately kept this somewhat general, because it allowed me to remain anonymous. Incidentally, I didn’t use my real name either. After a while he asked if we were going to his hotel room.”

“Once in the room, we enjoyed the view from the balcony and he started touching me. After that it went pretty much naturally. The sex didn’t feel very different from normal. The only difference was that I was really there for him. I wanted to give him a good time and he in turn did his best with me. The fact that I didn't come had nothing to do with him. I have some trouble coming anyway, but for him I gladly pretended as a thank you. After four hours we said goodbye. He had paid 1150 euros for our date, of which I received about 745 euros from the agency. Exactly, that's a lot of money. All in all I thought it was a fantastic experience and felt on top of the world. The energy flowed through my body, it was amazing.”


“After that more bookings quickly followed. Before I knew it, I had built up a nice, regular clientele within a few months. Thanks to them I have slept in the most beautiful places and eaten in various star restaurants, at home and abroad. Delicious food, a good glass of wine and I can order whatever I want. Although I will never abuse the situation. I usually follow what my client does, although I sometimes make subtle suggestions."

"One of my best bookings was when I went to the Seychelles for four days with a regular client. He was there for work and wanted to have fun with me in his free time. Together we went diving, water skiing and ate a lot of delicious food. And when he was working, I could sunbathe. The fact that he was not my usual type didn't matter. He was a nice man with whom I could chat well, we had a great time together."

"I also regularly stay overnight with someone. Then you have a kind of very long date in which you have nice conversations and sex with each other. During such a date, you try to be the best version of yourself and are 'on' the whole time. That can be tiring sometimes. During those overnight dates, I do take off my make-up before we go to sleep. Then I look a little less glamorous, but clients understand that. I haven't had any strange reactions to it so far."

"I've never had any bad experiences actually. I don't do anything against my will. I often have a glass of wine with the client, although it also happens that we don't drink anything. But it depends on what we feel like. Too much alcohol or drug use is definitely not the intention, then I can end the booking. Once I suspected that a client was using drugs, but he remained relaxed. But if someone snorts one line after another of coke, I immediately stop doing that."

Time of their lives

"Is it difficult to have sex if you don't find someone attractive? Not for me, I switch a switch and take on a pleasing role. There are sometimes men with a less pleasant body odor. That is not because they are unkempt, but because they follow a different diet than I do or because they are nervous. Then I first take a nice long shower with such a man and use a perfumed massage oil. But if someone is really unkempt, the party is off. Fortunately, I have never experienced that. I personally do everything I can to give my clients the best time of their lives. I also experience it the other way around sometimes. Then I have a booking with a man who I find very attractive. I enjoy such appointments to the fullest. But I could never fall in love with one of my clients. The time we spend together is not reality. I am very aware of that.”


“I have an average of nine bookings per month. With this, I earn twice as much as the average (the average Dutch person earns 42,000 euros per year, ed.). In the beginning, I saved most of it, but when that started to increase, I swapped my student room for a more expensive apartment. In addition to saving, I like to make nice trips or shop at luxury brands. Without this work, none of that would have been possible. What I find especially important is that I have the freedom to base my choices on what I want, instead of financial necessity. I have saved enough to be able to move forward for a long time. That gives me a lot of breathing space. During exam weeks, I don't have to work and I can fully focus on my studies. My parents know that I work as a high-class escort. I didn't tell them right away, because I was afraid they wouldn't understand. But I didn't want to keep it a secret from them either. Eventually, they found out because I went on expensive holidays more and more often. They didn't agree with it at first and didn't understand why I do this work. Of course I thought that was a shame, but it was a relief that I didn't have to lie to them anymore. They have accepted it now. It's hard to say how long I will continue to do this work. I'm not in a relationship at the moment, but I can imagine that I might stop if I fall in love. My partner will have to accept my past, because I don't regret anything and I'm not ashamed of it at all."